Source code for aiogremlin.remote.driver_remote_connection

import asyncio
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from aiogremlin.driver.cluster import Cluster
from gremlin_python.driver import serializer
from aiogremlin.remote.driver_remote_side_effects import (
from gremlin_python.driver.remote_connection import RemoteTraversal

__author__ = 'David M. Brown ('

[docs]class DriverRemoteConnection: """ Remote connection to a Gremlin Server. Do not instantiate directly, instead use :py:meth:`` or :py:meth:`DriverRemoteConnection.using` :param aiogremlin.driver.client.Client client: :param asyncio.BaseEventLoop loop: :param aiogremlin.driver.cluster.Cluster cluster: """ def __init__(self, client, loop, *, cluster=None): self._client = client self._loop = loop self._cluster = cluster @property def client(self): return self._client @property def config(self): return self._cluster.config
[docs] @classmethod async def using(cls, cluster, aliases=None): """ Create a :py:class:`DriverRemoteConnection` using a specific :py:class:`Cluster<aiogremlin.driver.cluster.Cluster>` :param aiogremlin.driver.cluster.Cluster cluster: :param dict aliases: Optional mapping for aliases. Default is `None`. Also accepts `str` argument which will be assigned to `g` """ client = await cluster.connect(aliases=aliases) loop = cluster._loop return cls(client, loop)
[docs] @classmethod async def open(cls, url=None, aliases=None, loop=None, *, graphson_reader=None, graphson_writer=None, **config): """ :param str url: Optional url for host Gremlin Server :param dict aliases: Optional mapping for aliases. Default is `None`. Also accepts `str` argument which will be assigned to `g` :param asyncio.BaseEventLoop loop: :param graphson_reader: Custom graphson_reader :param graphson_writer: Custom graphson_writer :param config: Optional cluster configuration passed as kwargs or `dict` """ if url: parsed_url = urlparse(url) config.update({ 'scheme': parsed_url.scheme, 'hosts': [parsed_url.hostname], 'port': parsed_url.port}) if isinstance(aliases, str): aliases = {'g': aliases} if not loop: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() message_serializer = serializer.GraphSONMessageSerializer( reader=graphson_reader, writer=graphson_writer) config.update({'message_serializer': message_serializer}) cluster = await, aliases=aliases, **config) client = await cluster.connect() return cls(client, loop, cluster=cluster)
[docs] async def close(self): """ Close underlying cluster if applicable. If created with :py:meth:`DriverRemoteConnection.using`, cluster is NOT closed. """ if self._cluster: await self._cluster.close()
[docs] async def submit(self, bytecode): """Submit bytecode to the Gremlin Server""" result_set = await self._client.submit(bytecode) side_effects = AsyncRemoteTraversalSideEffects(result_set.request_id, self._client) return RemoteTraversal(result_set, side_effects)
async def __aenter__(self): return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb): await self.close() self._client = None self._cluster = None