Using :py:mod:`aiogremlin` ========================== Before you get started, make sure you have the Gremlin Server up and running. All of the following example assume a running Gremlin Server version 3.2.4 at `ws://localhost:8182/gremlin` using the `conf/gremlin-server-modern-py.yaml` configuration:: $ ./bin/ conf/gremlin-server-modern-py.yaml Using the Gremlin Language Variant ---------------------------------- :py:mod:`aiogremlin` is used almost exactly like the official Gremlin-Python, except that all operations are asynchronous. Thus when coding with :py:mod:`aiogremlin` coroutines and the `async/await` syntax are used in combination with an `asyncio` compatible event loop implementation (`tornado`, `ZeroMQ`, `uvloop`, etc.). The following examples assume that you are already familiar with `asyncio`, coroutines, and the event loop. For readability, they strip away these details to focus on the syntax used by :py:mod:`aiogremlin`. To create a traversal source, simply use :py:class:`DriverRemoteConnection` combined with :py:class:`Graph`:: >>> remote_connection = await ... 'ws://localhost:8182/gremlin', 'g') >>> g = Graph().traversal().withRemote(remote_connection) In :py:mod:`aiogremlin`, a :py:class:`Traversal` implements the Asynchronous Iterator Protocol as defined by PEP 492:: >>> async for vertex in g.V(): ... print(vertex) Furthermore, it implements several convience methods - :py:meth:`toList`, :py:meth:`toSet`, and :py:meth:`next`:: >>> vertex_list = await g.V().toList() >>> vertex_set = await g.V().toSet() >>> next_vertex = await g.V().next() # returns next result from the stream :py:class:`Traversal` also contains a reference to a :py:class:`AsyncRemoteTraversalSideEffects` object that can be used to fetch side effects cached by the server (when applicable):: >>> t = g.V().aggregate('a') >>> await t.iterate() # evaluate the traversal >>> keys = await t.side_effects.keys() >>> se = await t.side_effects.get('a') >>> await t.side_effects.close() Don't forget to close the :py:class:`DriverRemoteConnection` when finished:: >>> await remote_connection.close() Using :py:class:`DriverRemoteConnection` ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The :py:class:`DriverRemoteConnection` object allows you to configure you database connection in one of two ways: 1. Passing configuration values as kwargs or a :py:class:`dict` to the classmethod :py:meth:`open`:: >>> remote_connection = await ... 'ws://localhost:8182/gremlin', 'g', port=9430) 2. Passing a :py:class:`Cluster` object to the classmethod :py:meth:`using`:: >>> import asyncio >>> from aiogremlin import Cluster >>> loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() >>> cluster = await, port=9430, aliases={'g': 'g'}) >>> remote_connection = await DriverRemoteConnection.using(cluster) In the case that the :py:class:`DriverRemoteConnection` is created with :py:meth:`using`, it is not necessary to close the :py:class:`DriverRemoteConnection`, but the underlying :py:class:`Cluster` must be closed:: >>> await cluster.close() Configuration options are specified in the final section of this document. :py:class:`DriverRemoteConnection` is also an asynchronous context manager. It can be used as follows:: >>> async with remote_connection: ... g = Graph().traversal().withRemote(remote_connection) ... # traverse # remote_connection is closed upon exit Taking this one step further, the :py:meth:`open` can be awaited in the async context manager statement:: >>> async with await as remote_connection: ... g = Graph().traversal().withRemote(remote_connection) ... # traverse # remote connection is closed upon exit Using the :py:mod:`driver` Module ---------------------------------------------------- :py:mod:`aiogremlin` also includes an asynchronous driver modeled after the official Gremlin-Python driver implementation. However, instead of using threads for asynchronous I/O, it uses an :py:mod:`asyncio` based implemenation. To submit a raw Gremlin script to the server, use the :py:class:`Client`. This class should not be instantiated directly, instead use a :py:class:`Cluster` object:: >>> cluster = await >>> client = await cluster.connect() >>> result_set = await client.submit('g.V().hasLabel(x)', {'x': 'person'}) The :py:class:`ResultSet` returned by :py:meth:`Client` implements the async interator protocol:: >>> async for v in result_set: ... print(v) It also provides a convenience method :py:meth:`all` that aggregates and returns the result of the script in a :py:class:`list`:: >>> results = await result_set.all() Closing the client will close the underlying cluster:: >>> await client.close() Configuring the :py:class:`Cluster` object ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Configuration options can be set on :py:class:`Cluster` in one of two ways, either passed as keyword arguments to :py:meth:`Cluster`, or stored in a configuration file and passed to the :py:meth:`open` using the kwarg `configfile`. Configuration files can be either YAML or JSON format. Currently, :py:class:`Cluster` uses the following configuration: +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |Key |Description |Default | +===================+==============================================+=============+ |scheme |URI scheme, typically 'ws' or 'wss' for secure|'ws' | | |websockets | | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |hosts |A list of hosts the cluster will connect to |['localhost']| +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |port |The port of the Gremlin Server to connect to, |8182 | | |same for all hosts | | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |ssl_certfile |File containing ssl certificate |'' | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |ssl_keyfile |File containing ssl key |'' | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |ssl_password |File containing password for ssl keyfile |'' | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |username |Username for Gremlin Server authentication |'' | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |password |Password for Gremlin Server authentication |'' | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |response_timeout |Timeout for reading responses from the stream |`None` | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |max_conns |The maximum number of connections open at any |4 | | |time to this host | | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |min_conns |The minimum number of connection open at any |1 | | |time to this host | | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |max_times_acquired |The maximum number of times a single pool |16 | | |connection can be acquired and shared | | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |max_inflight |The maximum number of unresolved messages |64 | | |that may be pending on any one connection | | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+ |message_serializer |String denoting the class used for message |'classpath' | | |serialization, currently only supports | | | |basic GraphSONMessageSerializer | | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+-------------+