Source code for aiogremlin.driver.cluster

import asyncio
import collections
import configparser
import importlib

    import ujson as json
except ImportError:
    import json

import yaml

from aiogremlin import exception
from aiogremlin import driver
from gremlin_python.driver import serializer

[docs]def my_import(name): names = name.rsplit('.', maxsplit=1) if len(names) != 2: raise exception.ConfigError("not a valid absolute python path to a class: {}".format(name)) module_name, class_name = names try: module = importlib.import_module(module_name) except ImportError: raise exception.ConfigError( "Error processing cluster configuration: could not import {}".format(name)) return getattr(module, class_name)
[docs]class Cluster: """ A cluster of Gremlin Server hosts. This object provides the main high level interface used by the :py:mod:`aiogremlin` module. :param asyncio.BaseEventLoop loop: :param dict aliases: Optional mapping for aliases. Default is `None` :param config: Optional cluster configuration passed as kwargs or `dict` """ DEFAULT_CONFIG = { 'scheme': 'ws', 'hosts': ['localhost'], 'port': 8182, 'ssl_certfile': '', 'ssl_keyfile': '', 'ssl_password': '', 'username': '', 'password': '', 'response_timeout': None, 'max_conns': 4, 'min_conns': 1, 'max_times_acquired': 16, 'max_inflight': 64, 'message_serializer': 'gremlin_python.driver.serializer.GraphSONMessageSerializer', 'provider': 'aiogremlin.driver.provider.TinkerGraph' } def __init__(self, loop, aliases=None, **config): self._loop = loop default_config = dict(self.DEFAULT_CONFIG) default_config.update(config) self._config = self._process_config_imports(default_config) self._hosts = collections.deque() self._hostmap = {} self._closed = False if aliases is None: aliases = {} self._aliases = aliases
[docs] @classmethod async def open(cls, loop, *, aliases=None, configfile=None, **config): """ **coroutine** Open a cluster, connecting to all available hosts as specified in configuration. :param asyncio.BaseEventLoop loop: :param dict aliases: Optional mapping for aliases. Default is `None` :param str configfile: Optional configuration file in .json or .yml format :param config: Optional cluster configuration passed as kwargs or `dict` """ cluster = cls(loop, aliases=aliases, **config) if configfile: cluster.config_from_file(configfile) await cluster.establish_hosts() return cluster
@property def hosts(self): """Read-only property""" return self._hosts @property def config(self): """ Read-only property. :returns: `dict` containing the cluster configuration """ return self._config
[docs] async def get_connection(self, hostname=None): """ **coroutine** Get connection from next available host in a round robin fashion. :returns: :py:class:`Connection<aiogremlin.driver.connection.Connection>` """ if not self._hosts: await self.establish_hosts() if hostname: try: host = self._hostmap[hostname] except KeyError: raise exception.ConfigError( 'Unknown host: {}'.format(hostname)) else: host = self._hosts.popleft() conn = await host.get_connection() self._hosts.append(host) return conn
[docs] async def establish_hosts(self): """ **coroutine** Connect to all hosts as specified in configuration. """ scheme = self._config['scheme'] hosts = self._config['hosts'] port = self._config['port'] for hostname in hosts: url = '{}://{}:{}/gremlin'.format(scheme, hostname, port) host = await url, self._loop, **dict(self._config)) self._hosts.append(host) self._hostmap[hostname] = host
[docs] def config_from_file(self, filename): """ Load configuration from from file. :param str filename: Path to the configuration file. """ if filename.endswith('yml') or filename.endswith('yaml'): self.config_from_yaml(filename) elif filename.endswith('.json'): self.config_from_json(filename) else: raise exception.ConfigurationError('Unknown config file format')
[docs] def config_from_yaml(self, filename): """ Load configuration from from YAML file. :param str filename: Path to the configuration file. """ with open(filename, 'r') as f: config = yaml.load(f) config = self._process_config_imports(config) self._config.update(config)
[docs] def config_from_json(self, filename): """ Load configuration from from JSON file. :param str filename: Path to the configuration file. """ with open(filename, 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) config = self._process_config_imports(config) self.config.update(config)
def _process_config_imports(self, config): message_serializer = config.get('message_serializer') provider = config.get('provider') if isinstance(message_serializer, str): config['message_serializer'] = my_import(message_serializer) if isinstance(provider, str): config['provider'] = my_import(provider) return config
[docs] def config_from_module(self, module): """ Load configuration from Python module. :param str filename: Path to the configuration file. """ if isinstance(module, str): module = importlib.import_module(module) config = dict() for item in dir(module): if not item.startswith('_') and item.lower() in self.DEFAULT_CONFIG: config[item.lower()] = getattr(module, item) config = self._process_config_imports(config) self.config.update(config)
[docs] async def connect(self, hostname=None, aliases=None): """ **coroutine** Get a connected client. Main API method. :returns: A connected instance of `Client<aiogremlin.driver.client.Client>` """ aliases = aliases or self._aliases if not self._hosts: await self.establish_hosts() # if session: # host = self._hosts.popleft() # client = client.SessionedClient(host, self._loop, session, # aliases=aliases) # self._hosts.append(host) # else: client = driver.Client(self, self._loop, hostname=hostname, aliases=aliases) return client
[docs] async def close(self): """**coroutine** Close cluster and all connected hosts.""" waiters = [] while self._hosts: host = self._hosts.popleft() waiters.append(host.close()) await asyncio.gather(*waiters, loop=self._loop) self._closed = True