Source code for aiogremlin.driver.server

import ssl

from aiogremlin.driver import pool

[docs]class GremlinServer: """ Class that wraps a connection pool. Currently doesn't do much, but may be useful in the future.... :param pool.ConnectionPool pool: """ def __init__(self, url, loop, **config): self._pool = None self._url = url self._loop = loop self._response_timeout = config['response_timeout'] self._username = config['username'] self._password = config['password'] self._max_times_acquired = config['max_times_acquired'] self._max_conns = config['max_conns'] self._min_conns = config['min_conns'] self._max_inflight = config['max_inflight'] self._message_serializer = config['message_serializer'] self._provider = config['provider'] scheme = config['scheme'] if scheme in ['https', 'wss']: certfile = config['ssl_certfile'] keyfile = config['ssl_keyfile'] ssl_password = config['ssl_password'] ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) ssl_context.load_cert_chain( certfile, keyfile=keyfile, password=ssl_password) self._ssl_context = ssl_context else: self._ssl_context = None @property def url(self): return self._url @property def pool(self): """ Readonly property. :returns: :py:class:`ConnectionPool<aiogremlin.driver.pool.ConnectionPool>` """ if self._pool: return self._pool
[docs] async def close(self): """**coroutine** Close underlying connection pool.""" if self._pool: await self._pool.close() self._pool = None
[docs] async def get_connection(self): """**coroutine** Acquire a connection from the pool.""" try: conn = await self._pool.acquire() except AttributeError: raise Exception("Please initialize pool") return conn
[docs] async def initialize(self): conn_pool = pool.ConnectionPool( self._url, self._loop, self._ssl_context, self._username, self._password, self._max_conns, self._min_conns, self._max_times_acquired, self._max_inflight, self._response_timeout, self._message_serializer, self._provider) await conn_pool.init_pool() self._pool = conn_pool
[docs] @classmethod async def open(cls, url, loop, **config): """ **coroutine** Establish connection pool and host to Gremlin Server. :param str url: url for host Gremlin Server :param asyncio.BaseEventLoop loop: :param ssl.SSLContext ssl_context: :param str username: Username for database auth :param str password: Password for database auth :param float response_timeout: (optional) `None` by default :param int max_conns: Maximum number of conns to a host :param int min_connsd: Minimum number of conns to a host :param int max_times_acquired: Maximum number of times a conn can be shared by multiple coroutines (clients) :param int max_inflight: Maximum number of unprocessed requests at any one time on the connection :returns: :py:class:`GremlinServer` """ host = cls(url, loop, **config) await host.initialize() return host